Utilize different payment functions, whether it is direct deposit to your employees, collections from your customers, or EFTPS Tax payments.
Estate Services You Can Trust
The estate settlement process can be very complicated, time consuming, and costly to your heirs or beneficiaries if not executed properly. Selecting someone to settle your estate is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The estate representative will be responsible for carrying out the terms of your will and settling your estate.
Your choice of executor should have extensive investment knowledge, a thorough understanding of tax and legal issues, indisputable integrity, and objectivity in dealing with multiple beneficiaries. Your choice of executor can only be designated in your will. If you neglect to select one, the courts will appoint one for you. American National Bank & Trust accepts appointments as Executor, Co-Executor or Agent for the Executor.
- As Executor, American National Bank & Trust will handle the many tasks necessary to administer your estate, protect your assets, and distribute them according to your instructions.
- As Co-Executor, American National Bank & Trust handles the technical day-to-day responsibilities of administration of your estate while your co-executor, such as a spouse or trusted individual, plays a vital role in developing the estate settlement strategy.
- As Agent for an individual executor, American National Bank & Trust will perform any technical estate functions that the individual executor may require.
We invite you to meet with one of our trust administrators to discuss your estate planning options. Our experienced staff can provide valuable information and suggestions to help you in determining the most beneficial manner in which to distribute your estate.
- Personal attention from a dedicated trust administrator
- Peace of mind knowing you have a trusted advisor to assist you and your family with your financial and estate planning
- Ongoing professional management of your assets during the estate settlement process
- Specialized estate knowledge helps reduce estate transfer costs and settlement delays
- Independent and objective representative to handle all facets of the estate settlement
- Minimized federal estate tax liability
- Relieves family from administrative burdens
- Disposition of assets according to your wishes
- Skilled investment management to handle all your assets from stocks and bonds to mineral rights and limited partnerships
Tasks of Executor
- Probate Will
- Assemble and inventory the estate assets
- Protect and preserve assets of the estate
- Appraise and value the property of the deceased
- Supply professional investment management of assets during estate settlement process
- Determine and settle all debts and credible claims against the estate
- Determine and pay any taxes owed
- Consult with the family regarding the status of estate
- Prepare final accounting of estate
- Distribute assets according to terms of your will
- Set up trusts created under your will
Online cash management fom the comfort of your own office
American National Bank & Trust is now offering an online cash management service that allows you to do an array of functions from the comfort of your own office. This service allows you to control where and how your money is used.