Government Leasing

Specializing in lease financing for cities, counties, government agencies, and school districts.

Call Us Today: (940) 397-2491

American National Leasing Company Logo | You Need it. We lease it.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide custom government lease-finance options and work within your budget, so you can afford the items needed to run your governmental office. We have experience structuring a lease purchase option, providing competitive rates, flexible terms, and affordable payments.

We specialize in new or used heavy equipment, law enforcement vehicles, office equipment, or other particular needs.

Call Us Today

(940) 397-2490

Advantages to Governmental Lease Purchase Financing

Advantages to Governmental Lease Purchase Financing

  • Bond Election Not Required

    A bond election is not required.

  • Minimum Statutory Requirements

    Texas has a user friendly statute to finance personal property including vehicles and equipment, Chapter 271 Subchapter A of the Texas Local Government Code. The only requirement is that the governing body approve the lease purchase agreement, and there is no notice in the paper requirement or requirement to submit the lease to the Attorney General of Texas for approval.

  • Flexible Terms

    Lease terms generally are matched to the useful life of the property financed. The flexibility of monthly,quarterly,semi-annual, or annual payments provides for easy budgeting. There is no prepayment penalty for early payoff.

  • Builds Equity

    Unlike rentals, a lease-purchase program may permit the governmental entity to build equity with each payment. At the end of the lease term, the governmental entity owns the equipment upon remittance of $1.00.

  • Avoids Inflation Delay Costs

    A lease-purchase obligation permits acquisition of needed equipment today, before prices rise still further.

  • Quick Response

    A lease purchase program provides quick financing for funds to purchase vehicles or equipment for a government entity.

  • Non Appropriation Clause

    The non-appropriation clause is used in a governmental lease purchase agreement. This allows the governmental entity to terminate the lease and return the equipment or vehicles in accordance with the governmental lease purchase agreement if funds are not appropriated by the entity.

Filling the Gap – This is exactly what American National Leasing did for us when the budget money was not there to update our patrol vehicles…

Sheriff Alan West
Somervell County

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